Community Impact Teams

β€œThe life-worthy engagements created by Community Impact Teams send a powerful, much-needed message: that our community truly does care and that together we can do so much!”

Why Community Impact Teams?

Education professionals are visionaries and community leaders with a deep desire to make a positive impact on the future for the next generation, but the reality of the day-to-day demands of the job often leaves little to no time for their powerful, visionary projects to develop. This can lead to teacher burnout, student apathy, and on the extreme end, community distrust.

Community Impact Teams build the capacity of students, teachers, staff, and community members, growing their skills by supporting collaborative problem-solving projects that bring the curriculum to life.

These teams make possible the types of hands-on, real-world learning engagements that empower students with the skills and abilities to be self-motivated learners, leaders, collaborators, and creative problem-solvers.

What is a Community Impact Team?

Community Impact Teams include teachers, students, businesses, community experts, and volunteers with a desire to make the local community even better. These flexible, collaborative groups empower teacher and student-led visionary projects that create lasting solutions to local issues.

How Does a Community Impact Team Work?

Students meet after school to learn about and discuss local community issues with mentors and experts in the field. They apply the Solutionary Framework to uncover the root causes of problems in order to find opportunities for positive action. Teams collaborate to devise and implement solutions via Community Impact Projects.

What does Team Landolph provide?

  • Community Impact Leader Leason to support

  • Workshop training for teacher-leaders on the Solutionary Framework and Community Impact Education

  • Flexible Core Curriculum and resources for club leaders

  • Project management support including networking, scheduling, obtaining resources, and securing funding.

  • Long-term support of projects to maintain and sustain impact.

For more information, email

  • Dream it.

  • Build it.

  • Grow it.