Teams are led by at least two teachers or group leaders. With the support of a Team Landolph Community Impact Liaison, these flexible groups meet once a week, twice a month, or once a month depending on availability and desire of impact. Contact us to find the right structure for your school or group.

Eaglets Making Impact Team creates a Pollinator Garden at Chapin Elementary

Students can join one of the Team Landolph Community Impact Teams at participating schools to learn the skills needed to be Community Impact Leaders. Families will have opportunities to engage in events and projects that make a real difference.

Piney Woods volunteers are creating garden boxes.

We love our volunteers! Whether you want to join in and support team meetings, share your expertise as a guest speaker, assist with specific projects and events, or help by sending in items. You are integral to supporting the team’s work. Visit our current projects page for specific opportunities.

Teachers love and grow their students through creative classroom projects.

The Eaglets Making Impact Team is collecting shoes to keep shoes out of local landfills.

Join us for the Garden Crawl!

Veterans are an important part of our community. Let’s support them!